Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello from Ben Gurion!

I am blogging to you live from Ben Guiron Tel Aviv's DAN business lounge. In case anyone is wondering, it is about the same as all the other business lounges in the world (I'm flying Austrian Air), but there's MATZAH here! So cute. Like, seriously, seriously cute. Anyway, I'm flying into Vienna in about an hour, and then I have a few hours of a layover there before I fly to Heathrow and meet my dad!!! I am so excited! I just wish I wasn't sick. I have a horrible cold that I started coming down with at seder. I went to seder in the north with Dara and her sister and her sister's friend, at Dara's family friends' house. It was really nice, although it kind of made me miss home. I think I may have missed a Pesach last year because it didn't coincide with the Simon's Rock April break, but in general I try to be home for Passover. It's kind of weird not to be, even though I am in the Holy Land and all. I mean, it's, like, the Jewish dream... Next year in Jerusalem and all that. Beseder.

Things at campus have been very quiet. Most people didn't go to seder in the north, so the campus was relatively empty yesterday and Monday, but I was sick so I was sleeping a lot and doing nothing, anyway. When I come back from London next week, Dara and I are planning a trip to Petra, which I am also really excited about. Then classes start again on the eleventh or something, and there's really not too much left after that. This semester is going by so much faster than a Simon's Rock semester does. Maybe that's a good thing. Meanwhile, I am assembling a thesis committee (looks like Mark and Becky, for anyone interested in my Simon's Rock life) and writing a proposal. Actually, I haven't started that proposal yet. It's kind of due tomorrow (today). I guess I have something to do on the plane...

It's occurring to me right now, after I've checked my bags, that I probably should not be wearing flip flops. I'm basically going from summer to hella winter (the weather in London is supposed to be nasty for the next week). Oh well...


  1. Uh..glad to hear Mark is on board for your thesis committee next year! and yeah, probably time to get an idea or two down on paper :)

    You're wearing flip flops to London? Are you insane. Dad particularly asked you to be sure to bring good walking shoes. It's 50 degrees there, too. Well, slogging around Stone Henge in flips should make it interesting...Have the best time ever!!! So wish I could be with you both! xoxoxo

  2. I BROUGHT other shoes! I just was wearing the flip flops to fly in because I live in the desert! But yeah, people were looking at me kind of funny once I got to Austria. It's still winter there/here. Dad and I were freezing at lunch! The first thing we did was go to an Arab restaurant so I could order falafel, hahaha! And then we went to Starbucks. :P


About Me

Haifa, Israel
I decided I want to keep a blog to document my semester abroad in Israel... So, here it is! I'm new to the whole public blogging scene, but I expect to have a lot of pictures and updates about my time away from home.
